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Names to Things

N2T Partners
API Documentation

The N2T API and UI

User interface overview

The Name-to-Thing (N2T.net) service provides public resolution of identifiers – ARKs, DOIs, etc. Identifiers used by the public look like an acronym, a colon, and a string (eg, ark:/12345/fk1234), all appended to a URL based at n2t.net, for example,



When an identifier is presented to N2T for resolution, the web server is configured to do a database lookup and ask that the target URL bound with the identifier be returned in the form of an HTTP redirect.

The target value (a URL) is a metadata value stored in a reserved element name, _t, and it is considered to be bound under its identifier. Arbitrary name/value pairs may be bound under an identifier. Other metadata elements support inflections and content negotiation.

On resolution if a target URL is found, the server redirects the client to it. Failing to find a bound identifier, the N2T.net resolver then looks for a redirection rule associated with the identifier. It does so by inspecting its hierarchical ancestors, namely, shorter strings formed by successively chopping from the end. For example,

ark:/12345/fk1234        # original identifier string
ark:/12345/fk1           # "shoulder"
ark:/12345               # NAAN (Name Assigning Authority Number)
ark:                     # "scheme" (identifier class, aka, prefix)

While N2T is mostly used to redirect identifiers to objects at external web addresses, it can also directly return internal N2T information on certain truncated identifier forms. For example (and these are subject to change),

ark:/99999               # records for ARK NAAN 99999 and its shoulders
doi:10.5072              # records for DOI Prefix 10.5072 and its shoulders
pdb:                     # records for scheme PDB and its providers
*/pdb:2gc4               # all provider redirection targets for pdb:2gc4

That briefly describes the minimal UI (user interface) that N2T.net has. More about how N2T uses identifiers can be found in Identifier Conventions.

Branded vs opaque identifier strings

Opaque identifier strings, which reveal little about the objects they identify or their origins, are generally considered good choices for persistent identifiers because they age and travel well. Often, however, organizations feel pressure to include branding in their strings to aid with visibility, promotion, and funding. If your ARKs are stored in N2T (eg, by the EZID service), how best to accommodate these seemingly conflictual aims of identifier and organizational sustainability?

The approach advocated by N2T is for your organization to set up a very small web server under its own specially branded hostname that appears to users like a local resolver but that actually works by simply forwarding incoming ARK requests to N2T for resolution. In the explanation that follows we assume hypothetically that your organization, the Acme Archeology Board (AAB), has the domain name aab.org and an identifier ark:/12345/6789. The usual way of publishing that ARK would be (unbranded)


For a branded ARK, we recommend instead publishing it as,


The special dual-branded (AAB and N2T) hostname, n2t.aab.org, is where the small forwarding web server resides. There is a one-time set up step described below. Should the aab.org domain ever lapse, the published identifier will no longer resolve "as is", but since the N2T brand is also present, it provides a social hint to future recipients that the well-known n2t.net resolver might still be able to resolve the part of the identifier after the hostname.

There are other ways to do it, but the forwarding server is usually implemented as a "virtual host" on a server that may already exist for another reason (eg, it's a load balancer). Follow normal procedures for setting up a virtual host that works with both http and https, such as creating the new DNS name and its TLS/SSL certificate, and then add forwarding instructions. In an Apache server configuration, for example, that could be just this one line:

Redirect permanent / https://n2t.net/

You may need separate virtual hosts for http and https.

This document

The API (application programming interface) is used to create and maintain identifiers and metadata. The API, the main subject of this document, supports

  • minting – generating randomized strings that can be used in creating identifiers, and
  • binding – associating metadata name/value pairs with identifier strings meant to be published as URLs.

Under the hood, N2T.net uses the EggNog software, with egg binders and nog (nice opaque generator) minters behind an Apache HTTP server. Minting and binding require HTTP Basic authentication over SSL. The base test server URL for operating the API is https://n2t-stg.n2t.net, abbreviated as $b below. You would need an N2T user name (known as a populator, sam below) and a password (xyzzy, not a real password). (Due to current resource constraints, we can only add new N2T users in exchange for benefit to the ARK Alliance effort, for example, contributions of staff time for technical or promotional work; please let us know if you are interested.)

The following shell definitions are used to shorten examples in this document.

alias wg='wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate --user=sam --password=xyzzy'

For example, with proper credentials this shell command displays more API functionality (for the egg part of Eggnog) than is described here.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?help readme"

Yes, there's a space inside that URL, which you may hex encode if you prefer.


Minting is optional, and is generally used if you wish to generate randomized strings when you don't already have specific identifier strings in mind. N2T minters are set up in advance (not using the API) and are exclusively associated with particular N2T credentials. To avoid common confusion with identifiers, identifier strings, and minter output, the randomized strings that minters generate are called spings.

A sping (semi-opaque string) is meant to be used as all or part of an identifier string. We do not consider an identifier to be created until its association with something is publicized widely enough to be difficult to withdraw.

Minters are useful to generate names at different levels in a hierarchical namespace. To help with this, each minter has a shoulder, usually a short string, such as fk4, that extends an identifier base, such as 99999 (see Identifier Conventions for details). The examples that follow all use test spings beginning with 99999/fk4, as that designates a test shoulder shared across all N2T credentials.

Anyone with a password can liberally mint spings from the test shoulder and use them to create test identifiers. Test identifiers behave the same as real identifiers except that you must not count on them to persist. For example, the EZID populator of N2T actively expires its test identifiers a few weeks after their creation. To mint a test sping, do

wg "$b/a/sam/m/ark/99999/fk4?mint 1"

which returns something like

s: 99999/fk4f30n

Note that most spings are auto-expanding in the sense that, as you keep minting, at the moment the unique spings of a given length run out, the next run of spings will be longer by 3 characters (at each next expansion time). Auto-expansion allows you to enjoy shorter spings to start with while not having to worry about running out of unique spings. So in general it is best not to rely on spings being of a fixed length.

Typically, N2T API minting calls look like

wg "$b/a/sam/m/<Minter>?mint <Number>"

where Number is a positive integer.


N2T users have one or more binders (databases) for their exclusive use. Roughly, an identifier is created when you bind a string (whether a minted sping or not) to a thing. Underneath a given identifier string, you can bind any element, such as the redirection target URL (_t).

wg "$b/a/sam/b?ark:/99999/fk4f30n.set _t https://archive.org/details/AllAboutBooks"

The identifier comes into being when the first element is bound under it. To verify what you just bound, you can fetch all current bindings or a specific binding.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?ark:/99999/fk4f30n.fetch _t"

You can change an element at any time using another set command with a different value. Again, the identifier string you bind to doesn't have to have been created using an N2T minter; you may bind any identifier string of your choice. Also, you may bind any number of elements, of any name you choose, under any identifier.

Suffix Passthrough

In a special case, if a thing you identify has lots of sub-things at a web server under your control, you may want to take advantage of N2T.net's "suffix passthrough" feature. This allows you to bind one identifier to the top-level thing and advertise sub-thing (descendant) identifiers by adding a suffix to (thus lengthening) the original identifier.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?ark:/99999/fk4f30n.set _t http://example.org/d?suffix="

For the above target, the following identifier resolutions would occur:

ark:/99999/fk4f30n             -> http://example.org/d?suffix=
ark:/99999/fk4f30n/doc1        -> http://example.org/d?suffix=doc1
ark:/99999/fk4f30n/doc999      -> http://example.org/d?suffix=doc999
ark:/99999/fk4f30n/doc8/chap7  -> http://example.org/d?suffix=doc8/chap7

There is also a separate explanation of suffix passthrough.

Typically, N2T API binder calls look like

wg "$b/a/<User>/b?<Modifier> <Identifier>.<Operation> <Element> <Value>"

where Operation may be set, add, rm, purge, exists, etc, and Modifier, Element, and Value are conditionally present (see below). The API closely resembles Eggnog's CLI (command line interface).

Prefix extension

N2T supports a "prefix extension" feature that permits developers to extend a scheme or an ARK NAAN (both of which "prefix" an identifier) with -dev in order to forward to an alternate destination. For example, if the NAAN 12345 forwards to domain a.b.org, then ark:/12345-dev/678 forwards to a-dev.b.org/678.

It works similarly for schemes, for example, if scheme xyzzy forwards to a.b.org/$id, then xyzzy-dev:foo forwards to a-dev.b.org/foo. Just for NAANs, the -dev part can actually be a hyphen (-) followed by any string that works in a hostname.


To delete an element entirely, use rm. To delete all elements under an identifier -- which is how to delete the identifier itself -- use purge.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?ark:/99999/fk4f30n.rm _t"
wg "$b/a/sam/b?ark:/99999/fk4f30n.purge"

You can also check if an identifier exists.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?ark:/99999/fk4f30n.exists"

Special characters

Some characters you may want to include are significant to the command syntax, and there are a couple ways to deal with them. One way is to hex encode them as "^hh" and insert a :hx modifier in front of the whole command. For example, this command allows a newline to be used in the identifier (a contrived example, since newlines are not allowed in ARK identifiers) and the value:

wg "$b/a/sam/b?:hx ark:/99999/fk4^0af30n.set _.eTm. http://example.com/content-negotiate/99999/fk4^0af30n"

Strings representing the identifier i, an element name n, and a data value d must be less than 4GB in length and must not start with a literal ':', '&', or '@' unless it is encoded. Other literals that must be encoded are any of the characters in "|;()[]=:" anywhere in the strings i and n, and any '<' at the start of i.

The set command takes two arguments, so names or values that contain spaces should be quoted. Normal shell-like quoting conventions work (single or double quotes, plus backslash), so 'a b" c' would specify the value: a b" c.

Bulk operations

You can submit lots of commands as a batch inside the HTTP Request body. N2T looks for a batch of commands when the query string consists of just "-" (a hyphen). For example, this command sets descriptive metadata along with a target URL.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?-" --post-data='
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set _t http://www.archive.org/details/wonderfulwizardo00baumiala
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set how (:mtype text)
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set who "Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919; Denslow, W. W. (William Wallace), 1856-1915"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set what "The wonderful wizard of Oz"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set when "1900, c1899"

Great efficiency is possible. For example, if a file named "ids-to-purge" contains 9 million identifiers, one per line, the following server-side shell script (which has a similar client-side equivalent) would purge them in batches of 5000 at a time.

#!/bin/env bash

linestotal=$( wc -l < ids-to-purge )

split --lines=$batchsize $bigbatch batch
date > pout

for f in batch??
    sed 's/$/.purge/' $f | egg -d $binder - >> pout
    (( n+=$batchsize ))
    (( percent=(( $n * 100 ) / $linestotal ) ))
    echo Processed batch $f, progress $percent%
    sleep 2      # pause, releasing DB lock so others can use it too

Identifier metadata

Resolution does not require metadata other than target URLs, however, to be considered in good standing, ARKs and some other identifiers require a minimum set of descriptive elements. In order to achieve that standing, the four elements above (who, what, when, how) are required to support basic metadata resolution, which is done via inflections and content negotiation. Definitions of both required and optional elements follow.

Element Name Required Definition
who yes a responsible person or party
what yes a name or other human-oriented identifier
when yes a date important in the object's lifecycle
where yes a machine-oriented identifier; NB: no need to supply, as it is implied by the identifier string itself and any target information
how yes a metatype constructed from the following base terms (described below) : text, image, audio, video, data, code, term, service, agent, human, project, event, oba; optionally followed by a human-readable object (resource) type
_t yes a target URL for redirecting content requests (a well-formed URL is recommended but not required); if the URL is preceded by an integer and a space, the integer is used as a redirect code
_,eTm,contype no (optional) a target URL for redirecting metadata requests for a given ContentType contype
_,eTi,inflection no (optional) a target URL for redirecting inflection requests for a given inflection
language no (optional) a language used in the content
peek no (optional) a glimpse of the content as a thumbnail, clip, or abstract; for non-text values, use (:at) URL_to_non-text_value
size no (optional) one or more ";"-separated quantities, which may be human- or machine-readable

If you cannot enter an actual value for a required element, enter one of these special reserved flavors for "missing value".

Literal Definitions for missing values
(:unac) temporarily inaccessible
(:unal) unallowed, suppressed intentionally
(:unap) not applicable, makes no sense
(:unas) value unassigned (e.g., Untitled)
(:unav) value unavailable, possibly unknown
(:unkn) known to be unknown (e.g., Anonymous, Inconnue)
(:none) never had a value, never will
(:null) explicitly and meaningfully empty
(:etal) other values too numerous to list
(:tba) to be assigned or announced later
(:at) present value is an indirect reference to the real value

You may optionally follow a reserved value with free text meant for human interpretation. For example,

who: (:unkn) Anonymous
what: (:tba) Work in progress


A "resource type" tells people that the identified object (resource) is of a certain kind. Often assigning the correct type requires deep subject expertise that people who manage and curate metadata do not have. Even if they had it, they often lack direct access (eg, to physical objects, to the means of production, or to the context of discovery), hence the ability to study and make a proper assignment. Consequently, the resource type is often wrong and cannot be fixed by collection curators.

This is where the concept of the metatype comes in. The resource type, such as it is, traditionally plays a secondary role in setting expectataions about which metadata elements should be present. For example, if a resource is a "book", we expect it to have an author, title, and publisher, but we don't expect those elements for a "rock", which instead might have a collector, composition, and hardness. Note that only disciplinary experts are qualified to assign and review resource types, but they're seldom trained in metadata. Similarly, metadata managers usually lack object access or disciplinary expertise to review resource type assignments (eg, tissue sample vs specimen? map vs image vs pdf?). The flaw in the traditional approach is that resource types are inherently poor indicators of what metadata should be present.

The metatype may look very much like a resource type, but differs from it in (a) being assigned by metadata experts who directly manage metadata and (b) requiring rather than suggesting things of the surrounding metadata. Thus when a metatype of "book" accompanies an object, which may or may not have an actual resource type of "book", it was assigned by a metadata expert to authoritatively set expectations about the surrounding metadata. This relieves the resource type from the burden of having to describe both the object and its metadata.

So a metatype (text, data, video, etc.) looks similar to a resource type, but instead of characterizing the object it gives a functional description of the surrounding metadata. A metatype assignment only reflects properties of the metadata and need not consider or match the resource type at all. Similarity between metatypes and resource types should be common but never required. A metataype of "text" asserts only that the surrounding metadata should include other elements that normally accompany text-like objects. This is not an assertion that the object itself is of type "text". Exactly which elements are implied by a given metatype, along with core mappings to common metadata element sets, is defined along with the metatype term itself. Finally, metatypes also assert enough information to permit basic mapping (crosswalking) between metadata sets.

The metatype and resource type both appear in the kernel element "how", which permits machine-readable parts followed by optional human readable parts. For example,

how: (:mtype text) dissertation
how: (:mtype data) financial spreadsheet
how: (:mtype data+code set) time series analysis database
how: (:mtype data+code) visualization and simulation
how: (:mtype agent) fruit fly
how: (:mtype agent set) orchestra

The machine-readable metatype must be preceded by (:mtype and a space, and terminated by ). The metatype itself may be composite, consisting of

  1. a sequence of one or more base metatypes separated by "+", and
  2. is optionally followed by `` set`` (a space and the word "set") to indicate that the metadata describes a group, collection, or aggregation

The base metatypes are controlled values defined below.

Metatype Typical corresponding resource type
text words meant for reading, including scanned images of text
image visual information, other than text, made of still images
audio information rendered as sounds
video visual information made of moving images, often with sound
data structured information meant for study and analysis
code retrievable computer program in source or compiled form
term word or phrase
service destination or automaton with which interaction is possible
agent person, organization, or automaton that can act
human human being, as a specific kind of agent
event non-persistent, time-based occurrence
oba other, or none of the above (from Tagolog)

Optional descriptive metadata

To enable richer descriptions, supplement the required elements with any other named metadata elements that you wish to make publicly viewable, and don't worry if some of the values already appear among the required elements (eg, "who" and "author", "when" and "published"). Note use of the "add" command to add an extra "who" element instead of the "set" command, which overwrites all pre-existing "who" elements.

wg "$b/a/sam/b?-" --post-data='
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set _t http://www.archive.org/details/wonderfulwizardo00baumiala
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set how text
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set who "Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.add who "Denslow, W. W. (William Wallace), 1856-1915"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set what "The wonderful wizard of Oz"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set when "1900, c1899"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set language English
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set peek "(:at) https://archive.org/services/img/wonderfulwizardo00baumiala"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set author "Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919; Denslow, W. W. (William Wallace), 1856-1915"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set title "The wonderful wizard of Oz"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set published "1900, c1899"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set topics "Adventure and adventurers | Wizards"
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set pages 216
 ark:/13960/t6m042969.set "possible copyright status" NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT

Users and API paths

A populator is an N2T user (eg, "ezid"). Each populator has its own password and a set of binders and minters for its exclusive use. Components for the API are all laid out under n2t.net/a/... as follows, in this case, for the "ezid" populator/user:

n2t.net/a/ezid/b                 # main ezid binder
n2t.net/a/ezid_test/b            # test ezid binder
n2t.net/a/ezid/m/ark/99999/fk4   # to mint spings for fake/test ARKs
n2t.net/a/ezid/m/ark/b5072/fk2   # to mint spings for fake/test DOIs
n2t.net/a/ezid/m/ark/.../...     # all other ezid minters

You can try these paths in the browser (requiring authentication). For the base path, some helpful information is printed. See, for example, the information printed for both of these URLs:



N2T resolution requires a fully qualified identifier, which essentially means that the identifier that is stored, such as,


is in the same form as what is presented to n2t.net:


More generally, the form follows n2t.net/scheme:[/]naan/string.

Last modified: 2021-05-14